With June nearly over, perhaps we'll start seeing a little wedding hiatus—until August, that is. So clearly the next thing all we wedding planners and wedding goers need to do is get scrappin'! If you follow our Facebook fan page (which, you should, because we've been introducing some killer contests that can get you some super free stuff), then you already know who won our wedding scrapbook page contest, and that she received the Solutions: Wedding Cricut cartridge. Today it's our pleasure to feature the winner and runner up right here on our blog, and present a couple other great ideas from some of our fav brands!
Winner of the Facebook Wedding Scrapbook Page—Susan
And Sherry was the runner up! Great job ladies!
And Slice knows how to do weddings! Here's three goodies that you're sure to love.
Its an honor to be posted on your page. Thank you so much.
Runner up in Wedding contest