
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bravissimo Contest

How to Enter:
"BRAVO!! BRAVO!!" Tell us who you'd like to say "Bravo!" to. For example, a niece that just graduated or a son that got all A's this last semester. Or maybe you'd just like to say "Bravo!" to your amazing mother on Mother's Day or father on Father's Day! Leave us a comment on this post for a chance to win some gorgeous embellishments from the Making Memories Bravissimo line!

Contest Starts: Wednesday, April 25th @ 12:01 AM
Contest Ends: Wednesday, April 25th @ 11:59 PM

Happy crafting!


  1. I would like to give a Bravo to my amazing daughter. She has worked so hard in school. She will graduate from high school this June and then from our local community college in August with two Associate degrees. All while being a varsity athlete on the high school cross country and track teams. She is also carrying a 3.9 G.P.A. She is working so hard to do well in all that she participates in!! I am SOOOO proud of her!

  2. I would like to say Bravo to my wonderful mother. She is a continuous source of support to me and I don't know what I'd do without her. It's her birthday this week and I'm looking forward to spoiling her rotten :)

  3. Bravissimo to my hubs..... he recently got a new job and his commute is 1-1/2 hrs. one way. But he prevails and doesn't complain too much!!! Thanks hun for making our lives better!!!!
    Love to my hubster!!!!
    Crystal R.

  4. what a fun contest!
    Bravo to my youngest son who graduates from high school in just a few weeks!
    Bravo to my 2 other sons who finish their college semesters in a few weeks on the Dean's List at their respective schools!
    I am such a proud mom! :) they bring me such joy!
    and I would be remiss if I didn't say Bravo to my hubby who is so beautifully staying by side during my battle with breast cancer! oh how I love that man!

  5. I'm saying "Bravo!" to the ever-charming man in my life for taking charge of a serious health issue. He's grabbing the bull by the horns and making the changes he needs to make to improve and maybe even conquer this challenge. "Bravo my Dear"!

  6. At 14, our son just won the title of "All American" in wrestling. That means he is considered the best amateur wrestler for his weight class and age division. He is also a straight A student, and an all around great kid. He was recognized at a school assembly for his work ethic, great attitude, and achievements. That sure makes this Mama proud. His future is bright and I am so excited to see what he does with it.

  7. Bravo to my wonderful wife
    Working full time and helping raise 3 kids
    Bravo indeed

  8. I'd like to sag Bravo to my daughter who passed in her Snowplow Sam I skating class ans gets to go to Snowplow Sam 2 next.

  9. I'd like to save "BRAVO" to my hubby for lasting 38 years at his job and retiring with dignity and his head held high! Love You Honey!

  10. I would like to say BRAVO to my husband for doing the dishes for me the other day! He HATES doing dishes, and he just did them out of the blue! (P.S. We don't have a dishwasher! LOL!)

  11. Bravo to my 5 year old granddaughter who is celebrating one year off treatment for Leukemia. She was diagnosed 5 days after her 2nd birthday, endured over 2 years of treatment and has remained a sweet, happy child. She recently received an award at her pre-school for always demonstrating the "Gift of Joy."

  12. Bravo! Bravo to my sweetie Phil! My husband has the shingles and he is holding up good for he pain he has been going through. So Bravo to my love!

    Carla from Utah

  13. I would I love to give a Bravo to my wonderful husband. We just lost his dad to congestive heart failure on April 9th. I had foot surgery on April 17th and he is taking care of me, the house and helping his mother deal with the loss of her husband, and work. He is Amazing!! He is my everything!!

  14. I would have to say Bravo to my Daughter who after having cervical cancer and beat had a baby girl and went to nursing school and just graduated. She is one strong willed girl !!! All this with a now 3 yr old to boot.

  15. Bravo for my amazing mother,
    and bravo to you for offering a great prize once again.

  16. BRAVO to my daughter who is the manager of my etsy shop and my inspiration to even open one! She was the creative force for the shop, my business cards, thank you stickers, etc. and spent hours and hours making everything look perfect in her spare time. I LOVE her lots! BRAVO for a job well done!

  17. I use these Bravissimo products for my daughter's soccer team my husband coaches. I bought 10 medallions from OMC before the season started. On Monday's practices my husband gives one to the MVP of Saturday's game. Now that that this season is nearing to end I need to buy a different kind to pass out to all the players for a Bravo on a great season. Should they make it into the tournaments then I will be having to get another kind for that lol. We have seen them work so much harder trying to earn these. Love this stuff!

  18. I am getting ready to say Bravo to my husband (and a little to myself). We are renewing our wedding vows after his return from 6 months in Afghanistan (fifth tour overseas), 6 years of marriage, one son, one on the way, and in preparation for our move to Germany for the next three years. It hasn't been easy but we have done great! (I am also crafting paper decorations; hanging paper flower cones, buntings, etc. for our reception afterward - FUN!).

  19. Linda ( 25, 2012 at 11:42 AM

    I would like to send Bravos to my God son Stephen for being accepted at SMU and there honors program GPA 4.1

  20. I'd love to say Bravo! to my niece who (which a group from college) had her head shaved to raise money for cancer research!

  21. I would like to say bravo to my oldest son, who feels like he has a lot of chores but is willing to take on something extra every now and again.

  22. I would like to say Bravo to my husband. Today is our 25th wedding anniversary. Thanks for always sticking by me and for helping to raise 4 beautiful children, one of whom is getting married on June 1st and another graduating college. A year full of great milestones!

  23. I would like to say Bravo to one of my very best friends. She has Hodgkins - the nasty kind and has fought it off several times now and keeps coming back even when it has been hard and she has been so very very sick. She has had to stop working and has lost a lot of "things" but through it all she has kept her faith, her family and her friends!! She has been an inspiration to everybody whose life she has touched!! Bravo To Darlene!!!!

  24. I would like to say Bravo to my niece. She is graduating from College this may. She has worked hard and faced many difficulties to get where she is now. Great Job Andrea! Great contest also.

  25. Bravo! to "tolegranny" who runs the "Art for the Creative Mind" yahoo group. She spends many hours concocting swaps and interesting art challenges which engage a large number of diverse people. She deserves a 'bravo' for encouraging and interesting newcomers to the art and craft world - and challenging and enticing more seasoned particpants.

  26. Bravo to my daughter, she never finished a thing growing up but that was fine as she learned a variety of skills. I am so proud of her and her mothering skills. She is very accomplished in all she does now and does finish what she starts! Love to Ericha!

  27. Bravo to my 2year old daughter Charli, she's potty-trained! YAY! Bravo to my 6year old daughter Charisma, she's doing great in school. Bravo to my mom, who is amazing and has taught me so much!

  28. Bravo to my wonderful husband! He is always super helpful around the house, great with the kids and always is supportive of me and my endeavors!

  29. I would like to say Bravo to my son. He took 1st place at 4 little kid wrestling meets this year!

  30. I would like to say Bravo to all of the men & women serving in out armed forces!

  31. I'd like to give a Bravo to my Aunt Mary who recently turned 82. She let me move in w/her a couple of years ago so I could afford to go back to school. The phone rings 5-10 times a day....never for me lol. She's got more energy and friends now than I've ever had and I'm about half her age.. So Bravo Aunt Mary!

  32. I would like to say bravo to my daughter's best friend, she just won her first scholarship to college. She is the child of a single mom and works very hard in school; she understands that without scholarship funds college may be out of reach for her. She went out of her comfort zone and applied for and received this money. Great Job, Sammy!

  33. Bravo! Bravo! To my MOTHER who has over came in the last ten years fighting Breast Cancer, losing a daughter who died in her sleep and the she had to fight Lung Cancer and both lungs full of blood clogs. So again BRAVO!! BRAVO!! Love you MOM

  34. I vould like to say BRAVO to my 2-year old son. My little man likes to help take care of his younger twin-brothers. He talks to the babies and kisses Mom everyday.
    He's a pretty amazing kid and I don't know how I got to be such a lucky parent

  35. Bravo to my daughter, she as a child didn't finish anything but learned so much from her unfinished items. Now as a young mom she finishes all she starts and is so exciting to see her "mom" skills. Bravo to Ericha!

  36. I would like to say Bravo to my nephew Aaron, who is graduating with honors in June and has been offered a scholarship to ODU! You have worked so hard and you deserve the best! We love you Beeg!!!
