Supplies Used:
Two boxes : 16x16x6 and 10x10x6
K&Company : Americana 12x12 Specialty Paper Pad
Ribbon or Trim
1. Find two boxes that are about the same height but one should have a larger base than the other.
2. Cover the sides of one box with patterned paper. You will need two sheets of the same patterned paper.
3. For the top of the box, cover with a different patterned paper. If there is not enough paper to cover the entire top, only cover the edges that will be showing.
4. Again, cover the sides and top for the smaller box.
5. Add trim and ribbon to the sides of the box. Fabri-tac or hot glue works great. The ribbon hides any imperfections of the paper hanging off the edges a little.
6. Stack the smaller box on top of the bigger box and place cupcakes around the edges.

Happy crafting!

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