How to Enter:
Go to our Oh My Vinyl Board on Pinterest and repin your favorite Vinyl project along with #OMCVinylContest for a chance to win! Make sure to include the tag to be entered into the contest.
Contest Starts: Wednesday, March 28th @ 12:01 AM
Contest Ends: Thursday, March 29th @ 11:59 PM
One randomly selected winner will be chosen to receive an OMC Vinyl pack containing 20 pre-selected sheets of vinyl! The winner will be announced on Friday, March 30th so make sure to check back to see who won!
Happy crafting!

Can we repin more than one pin for multiple entries? There are a couple that I want to repin regardless of getting another entry, but I just thought I'd ask :) Thanks for an awesome contest!
Yes! Pin as many of the vinyl projects as you want to with #OMCVinylContest. Repinning from the Oh My Vinyl Board is what qualifies as an entry but of course you are always welcome to repin anything from our boards you like ha-ha!
I repinned 2 things but I'm not sure if I did it correctly.
Hi Tracey - If you repinned a couple of items from our Oh My Vinyl Board and included #OMCVinylContest in the description of it, then you did it right. Follow this link to see an example of what your repin should look like: http://pinterest.com/pin/110267890846518488/
Done...Thanks for the chance. I think I did that right.
Oh man! I missed the part about being able to pin more than one! I had several I liked, but finally decided to repin the one about boys..... I have 4 boys!! Wish I had seen sooner that I could pin more than one!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
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